Our fermentation tanks are constructed using SS 304 or SS 316 as desired, designed as cylinder conical tanks with cone angle between 55 to 72 degrees through the ideal angle is 60 degrees. These tanks are equipped with dimple jacketed glycol cooling system and insulated with 50-60 mm poly urethane foam. Tanks are fitted with high quality solenoid valves that regulate tank temperature. The cooling surface includes the cone and cylinder area. Independent cooling for cone and cylinder areas can be optionally provided. All tanks are fitted with high quality RTD sensors for accurate temperature indications.

fermentation tanks

At PRODEB we want to be sure that each tank we fabricate is specific to the production and display needs of each customer we serve. Our beer fermenters are no exception. Our polished, ground smooth, and passivated welds ensure quality sanitation characteristics. Our dimpled, preformed jackets are placed not only on the cone of the fermenter, but also placed on specific locations on the shell according to your production needs. This ensures that efficiencies are maximized and time needed to control the temperature of your product is minimized. Available in several finishes, our tanks not only serve to raise the bar on production standards, they can also be customized to visually represent the quality and attention to detail put into the product our clients produce.


  • 304 stainless steel, 2B finish
  • Conical bottom standard at 60 degree; other options are available
  • Fixed stainless steel legs and bases with adjustable legs
  • Large diameter legs; one of the largest in the industry
  • Preformed dimple cooling jackets within cladding
  • Shadowless manway standard
  • Stainless steel pressure/vacuum relief valve
  • Perlick sample valve
  • Shell and cone insulated and clad


  • Thermometer with well
  • Probe well
  • Sight gauge
  • Thermo−control bracket
  • Customized name plates (with winery name and logo)
  • Custom diameters/height
  • Several finishes available, including Brushed, Satin, Scotch Brite and 4A